women’s role in the society


women’s Role in the society


The role of women in modern society requires self-confidence, loftiness in ambition and ideas, in addition to initiative, perseverance, and the latent desire for work, achievement, and creativity. Therefore, the role of women is considered one of the most influential human roles in society, and women have proven at the present time that they can adapt to the development of the surrounding social, economic, and political conditions, and confirm their remarkable progress in areas that require knowledge, discussion, and work on that, as women have proven their exploitation of their administrative capabilities And she proved her success and competence in taking care of the home and family and in all other areas of life. The following is a statement of the most prominent roles of women and their contributions to life and society:


The Role of Women in the Family


The importance of the role of motherhood in a woman’s life lies in the fact that it is a fundamental factor in the establishment of civilizations and nations. Without it, there can be no scholars and greats who contribute to changing reality in a way that benefits humanity. The role of motherhood includes many important sub-roles to ensure the emotional and psychological stability of family members, and build personalities. A balanced woman who enjoys good values and morals, which is reflected in society as a whole, whether that is through women’s interest in family members and their problems, or emotional and psychological support for them, stabilizing them and containing them, especially in times of adversity, in addition to raising children and raising them on the principles of social life and healthy habits, enhancing their energies, and raising their awareness In religious, intellectual, political and cultural matters that consolidate correct values and behaviors.

A woman is distinguished by her natural ability to care for others and feel them, and this contributes to increasing her feeling and understanding of her husband, and knowing if he is feeling distressed or suffering from something, so she supports him and supports him and relieves him in turn, and her emotional support for him and encourages him to share his feeling with her increases his confidence in her, Thus, his ability to open up to her with his thoughts and deep feelings increases, which supports their relationship, as the woman usually supports her husband and encourages him to strive towards achieving his dreams and aspirations, and she is the one who respects his ideas by resorting to him and taking his opinion. In addition, the woman has become able to help her husband in providing needs and requirements. home, and help him secure a suitable economic and social life through her work in a job or a special project.


The Role of Women in the labor market


The role of women in the labor market has flourished over the past few decades as a result of several factors that allowed them to prove themselves in various fields of work. As a teacher, doctors, engineers, and other professionals, during the past fifty years, the world has witnessed a significant increase in women’s participation in all fields of work, and the importance of women’s participation in the labor market lies in their effective role in combating poverty and raising the standard of living for their families through what it provides Her work is an income that supports the family budget, and women’s formal and informal work enhances society’s participation in supporting the national economy, in addition to the importance of small businesses for women that may form an economic basis for future generations.


The Role of Women in Politics


Women occupy leadership political positions at the local and international levels in most countries of the world. The percentage of women’s participation in national parliaments has increased worldwide in the past two decades. In 1998, the percentage was about 11.8%, then it gradually increased until it reached 17.8% in 2008. After that, it reached 23.5% in 2018. Women’s political participation is considered a key factor in achieving democracy and transparency, as the role of legislators, men, and women, is complementary in solving multiple problems to build strong democratic societies.

Women’s political participation contributes to adding principles and values related to achieving fairness, cooperation, and flexibility, and is balanced with the values and principles of men in the political field. Political issues and presenting proposals and solutions to them. Research has shown that the empowerment of women in political action has a direct impact on the enactment of more laws and policies that give priority to families, women, and ethnic minorities.


The Role of Women in Agriculture


According to studies, women represent 43% of the agricultural forces in developing countries, where women contribute mainly to agricultural and rural economic activities in developing countries, and their role varies greatly from one region to another; She works as a farmer on her own farm or on her family’s farm, as she may work on other farms and rural institutions. The role of women in the agricultural sector is represented in the production of agricultural crops, fetching water, farming fish, caring for animals, and working in trade and marketing.


The Role of Women in the armed forces


Women were able to join the armed forces at various levels, and women in some Arab countries were able to prove themselves in military life and delve deeper into it. Thanks to the efforts of the Arab armies for hiring, training, and acknowledging their rights to participate in the armed forces. The percentages differ between the number of men and the number of women. In the army from one country to another, according to the need, incentives, and laws that take care of their joining the armed forces, and these percentages range between 5-25% or more in some armies, and women contribute to the armed forces in several fields; such as management, control, health, engineering, firefighting, and guarding processions.


The Role of Women in Medicine


The role of women in the medical field is essential role in the world in various medical specialties, whether they are doctors, nurses, midwives, or workers in the field of community health. From obtaining the Nobel Prize, many female doctors have proven their ability to combine science and medical competence on the one hand, and kindness and psychological care for the patient on the other, so they were able to prove the importance of their leadership role in the health sector through their many achievements and active roles that contributed to improving health and treatment services through Develop plans and strategies that contributed to the advancement of the health sector.

History witnessed many prominent names of female doctors who were distinguished as a result of their diligence in their work in developing the medical field, discovering drugs, and treating diseases. The entry of women into the medical field also contributed to finding new methods in health care systems, and the professional relationship in dealing with patients. Women in the medical field to conduct specialized research on women’s health and the diseases that affect them.


The Role of Women in volunteer work


The role of women in voluntary work is very effective, especially in voluntary work in which they can meet the needs of other women. This is due to some of the skills that distinguish it; Such as her ability to deal with a lack of resources, organize time, perform multiple tasks, and take care of her family members without charge, as these skills can be invested by involving women in voluntary business institutions, and this is beneficial to women, as their participation in volunteer work contributes to the development of their capabilities acquire new skills, increase their opportunities for social participation, and provide the opportunity to participate in new fields and positions; As a leader and manager in particular, this also contributes to making her a role model and a source of inspiration for others.




Muhammad Marwan

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